



Hi, english speaking people! This page is for you.

In this area, you may download the latest version of our great punch machine control software : Perfojipe!

The application user interface has been fully translated into english language, as well as the online documentation available through the Help menu.

It has been tested on W98, W98-SE, W2000 and XP-SP2, and with processors running from 166 MHz up to 3.2 GHz.

And.... No, it does not yet work under Linux, and probably that it never will.

Download Perfojipe-V3.1e

Important: This piece of software is free and cannot be sold. It is delivered as it is, with no guarantee, and is dedicated to non-commercial use only. Moreover, its authors decline any responsability for its use, noticely in non-legal music copy field.


A schematic for the interface and a "starter manuel" are also available at this location, but only in french:

Download Documentation


Note : I developped a 124 notes version as well. Please contact me for further information.

Have nice music!

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